Two Developments on the E-book Front This Week

So the government is heading into court to smack the hands of Apple, Macmillan and Penguin. E-book Price Fixing Trial Set for 2013 I am more interested to see what comes out in the arguments before the bench than any possible outcomes. especially now that people have done the math. The agency model is not any…… Continue reading Two Developments on the E-book Front This Week

Worry About Something Else

I came across a post from Author Nathan Bransford that made me think. You can read it here With all the things writers have to worry about should posting your query online be one of them? No way. No how. One of the best things to come out of this series of tubes we call the…… Continue reading Worry About Something Else

I Have Given up on Library E-Books

Since buying my smart phone two years ago I have seen a dramatic increase in the amount of reading I do. The convenience of e-readers on a device that’s always in my pocket has given me more opportunities to read. Alas this happened just as e-book prices began thier trek north, so my new pastime has become a costly…… Continue reading I Have Given up on Library E-Books